Father’s Day Gasification and Biochar Workshop: June 17-19, 2011

Opening Intro & Lecture: Friday, June 17, 7:30 – 9:30PM
Weekend Build, Run and Test: Saturday and Sunday, June 17-19, 11am – 7pm

Location: ALL Power Labs, 1010 Murray Street, Berkeley CA 94710
Cost: Free if you are a GEK or BEK owner, either through self build or purchase.  Otherwise, $100 for weekend

Our summer workshop is fast approaching-  June 17th – 19th.  Many of you have already RSVP’ed and are flying in from the 4 corners, but there is still room for more.  So come join us for a quality Father’s Day weekend of wrenching, rotating machinery, and guided tour down the rabbit hole of biomass thermal conversion.
The workshop begins with a Friday evening talk on the science of gasification and pyrolysis, and the new engineering solutions embodied in the GEK gasifier and BEK biochar maker.  Saturday and Sunday are full days of building, running and testing the physical particulars. Come prepared to get your hands dirty building and running machinery.  We learn through both talking and working.

We’ll have 4 projects going in parallel for this round of the workshop.  You can participate in all of them, and wander between them as desired.

1.  50 Hour Endurance run of the 10kw Power Pallet:
Long proving runs of the Power Pallet continue on this end.  This round we’ll do a total of 50 hours over several days.  We have it on good authority that it will not rain this time, and we’ll be sure to have plenty of reasonable fuel on hand before we start.  We look forward to more refined data on fuel consumption, gas composition, and feedback on general usability from you kicking the tires over the weekend.  Runs will start on Saturday and continue into the early part of the following week.  If you can’t be here, we’ll have a webcam on the proceedings as usual.

2. Demonstration runs of the 20kw Power Pallet:
Those of you interested in the larger 20kw Power Pallet will can finally see one in action over the weekend.   There will also be 8 of the 20kw Power Pallets under assembly in the APL factory, so you can see how we make them.  Things will look something like this, only bigger:  http://wiki.gekgasifier.com/w/file/40416596/batch2onthefloor.JPG.  The engineers and builders of these units will be on hand to answer questions and explain the details.

3.  GEK Gasifier Building:
Want to build you own gasifier?  Here’s your chance to do it, using our tools and with plenty of instruction from the local crew.

This round of the workshop we’re having a special GEK Level III building clinic.  We have tables and welders for 4 people who want to weld together a kit over the weekend.  Given clear inhouse instruction, you should be able to get through the building process by the end of Sunday.  Finished gasifiers can Russian doll back into the hopper and filter for checking as oversize baggage on the plane.  Yes this does work.  We do this regularly.

Anyone who wants to do this will need to reserve a spot by purchasing a Level III weld together GEK kit.  There is no additional cost for instruction, using our tools, and burning our welding wire.  The workshop is also free if you get a kit.   We’re trying to make this easy and accessible.

Again, there are ONLY 4 slots for gasifier building.  Welders are limited.  Please reserve ahead of time if you want to build a kit.

4.  BEK Biochar maker running:

We continue to have the BEK on hold while we focus on ramping up the Power Pallet production.  This has made quite a few people unhappy, as there is so few small scale biochar making machines available at the moment.  We’re trying to get back to making these as soon as possible, but in the meantime we wanted to give the interested a chance to run our in house machine.

We’ll have the BEK on fire both Saturday and Sunday of the workshop.  You are welcome to bring your feedstock of interest and run it through.  Or, you can experiment with our variety of feedstocks on location.  If you have some you want to bring, please do write us beforehand so we can coordinate the details.

General Info and Signup

The APL workshop series offers education, research reports and hands-on experience to bring more people to successful operation of small scale gasification and pyrolysis units.  The event is open to everyone, not just GEK or BEK users/owners.  Worshops are free if you own a GEK or BEK by either purchase or DIY build. Otherwise the weekend is $100, which helps to cover food, drink and other consumables.

We look forward to seeing you here soon.


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