Upcoming events
APL events all summer long At APL we love talking about how biomass gasification can address the twin challenges of energy access and climate change, while providing a meaningful solution […]
BWI REC Open House, Kakata Liberia
Constant improvement: 2016 updates to the Power Pallet
Gasification has been famously described as “all variables, all the time,” and wrangling those variables into a tractable form has been our work at All Power Labs since starting out […]
We got a great climate deal at COP21–now what?
We got a great climate deal at COP21–now what? We should all be rightly happy about the outcome of the COP21 climate accords. Now comes the hard and exciting work–how […]
Report from COP21
The first week is finished at COP21, with less than a week to go until the deal is (hopefully) done. APL is attending these climate accord meetings to raise awareness […]
APL is going to Paris for COP21 and carbon negative energy
Carbon negative renewable energy : a solution for climate, energy access, and human dignity Or, why we’re going to Paris, and you should be, too (even if just in spirit) […]
From Workshop, to White House, to Silicon Valley
October has been–and continues to be–a big month for All Power Labs.
Tom Dinwoodie invests in, joins APL Board
Renewable energy pioneer Tom Dinwoodie leads investment round and joins APL Board of Directors.
Run data from Liberia. CHP hot tub in Berkeley
Liberia power generation report for March, 2015
Return of the GEK
GEK Gasifier, available again after two year hiatus