Streaming Live Online
STREAMING ONLINE ( In Berkeley) APL commissioning and long run test streaming online 16 hours a day, five days a week. Click here for the live feed
Dr. Dan Kammen, Global Energy Access Expert, Joins APL
All Power Labs is delighted to announce that Dr. Dan Kammen has agreed to join APL, as the founding member of our Board of Directors.
Tech blog: “This Berkeley startup and its energy machines are about to take off”
This story on APL was just published in the influential tech blog GigaOM:
APL wins $2M grant, and patent, for PowerTainer
All Power Labs Wins $2 Million USD Grant for Powertainer Project Very big news–on January 23rd, All Power Labs won a grant for $2M USD from the California Energy Commission […]
New Features!
New Upgrades on all PP20 Power Pallets In 2014, we’ve made more than a dozen upgrades, improvements, and enhancements to the Power Pallet, but haven’t yet shared them with […]
24 hours of LIVE power online + 10% off sale
24 hours of LIVE power online, this week and next Plus – 10% Off Sale for the next two weeks only 24 hours of LIVE power online
Upcoming demos in Italy and Kenya
Upcoming Demos: You’re Invited to Join Us at APL Italia HQ in Terni, Italy or in Nairobi, Kenya APL will be hosting two special demonstrations of our products around the […]
Power Pallet with CHP
Today we are pleased to announce a new product: the PC20 Power Cube
We’re hiring, again! CFO and more
We’re hiring, again! APL continues a major round of hiring to fill key management and operational positions in our Berkeley, California headquarters. This is a reflection of our significant growth, […]
Powerful. High Performance. And now: Patented!
Powerful. High Performance. And now: Patented! Many of you have been following our progress for years, as we’ve worked to advance the development of gasification, and that makes us all […]