Streaming Live Online

STREAMING ONLINE ( In Berkeley) APL commissioning and long run test streaming online 16 hours a day, five days a week. Click here for the live feed

New Features!

New Upgrades on all PP20 Power Pallets            In 2014, we’ve made more than a dozen upgrades, improvements, and enhancements to the Power Pallet, but haven’t yet shared them with […]

Upcoming demos in Italy and Kenya

Upcoming Demos: You’re Invited to Join Us at APL Italia HQ in Terni, Italy or in Nairobi, Kenya APL will be hosting two special demonstrations of our products around the […]

We’re hiring, again! CFO and more

We’re hiring, again! APL continues a major round of hiring to fill key management and operational positions in our Berkeley, California headquarters. This is a reflection of our significant growth, […]

Powerful. High Performance. And now: Patented!

Powerful. High Performance. And now: Patented! Many of you have been following our progress for years, as we’ve worked to advance the development of gasification, and that makes us all […]

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