Green Island, PhilippinesGreen Island is a village island located about 14 kilometers off the coast of Roxas, Palawan.  It is a small flat island with an area of only about an eighth of a square kilometer with an estimated population of 375.  The main source of livelihood is fishing and seaweed farming.  Due to the island’s remote location, potable water is shipped form the mainland by boat, and electricity has been supplied by  25 kVa diesel generator which only serves some parts of the island intermittently, depending on the supply of costly diesel.

House wiring on green island

The project is intended to begin with a pilot supplying the area of the island that has not been served by the existing generator. Here, SURE is building a renewable-energy hybrid grid consisting of a 2.5 kW solar array, a 5kW vertical axis wind turbine and our PP20 Power Pallet biomass gasifier genset. The system will target the area’s of 50 households, adding several solar streetlights and powering their existing loads, formerly supplied by smaller, noisy and even more costly gas and diesel generators.

The power density of the PP20 is key to the most economically transformative part of the project, powering an ice machine, which will allow the local fisherman to preserve their catch during the long and formerly impossible trip to more lucrative markets on the larger islands.

Ice Machine Compressor

They also plan to install a reverse osmosis water desalinization system, which also will require the PP20’s high power densities to finally provide the island with a local source of potable water. APL is committed to continuing its support of this vital project that will provide cheap, renewable electrical power to a remote village, potentially transforming their lives and economy.

Green Island Island 1

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